JIRA Initialisation fails after database restore

Ruben Krauth
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August 2, 2017

Hey Guys,

We've been having troubles with our MySQL DB (Windows) suddenly crashing a few days ago (Something with InnoDB Corruption).

Since the server was going to be replaced anyways we decided to move the databse from MySQL 5.7 (Windows) to MariaDB 10.1.23 (Debian 9).


Since the whole database was messed up we had to fire up a seperate Windows SQL server to be able to create a SQL dump of the DB.


So this is what I did:

  • Got the databse working with 'innodb_force_recovery = 5'
  • Made a SQL Dump of the JIRA database which I imported in our new MariaDB
    • I made sure the MySQL Config matched the required config as stated in the Installation manual (Storage engine, characted set, coallation, etc.)
  • Stopped Jira
  • I changed jira's 'dbconfig.xml' to our new db Host, user and password.
  • Started JIRA.


All seems to go fine and JIRA starts it's initialisation process in the browser.

After a few minutes it fires up this error: 

Error occurred while starting component 'com.atlassian.jira.web.action.issue.DefaultTemporaryWebAttachmentsMonitor'. caused by: com.atlassian.scheduler.SchedulerServiceException: Unable to either create or replace clustered job: ImmutableClusteredJob[jobId=com.atlassian.jira.web.action.issue.DefaultTemporaryWebAttachmentsMonitor,jobRunnerKey=com.atlassian.jira.web.action.issue.DefaultTemporaryWebAttachmentsMonitor,schedule=Schedule[type=INTERVAL,intervalScheduleInfo=IntervalScheduleInfo[firstRunTime=Wed Aug 02 15:38:19 CEST 2017,intervalInMillis=3600000]],nextRunTime=Wed Aug 02 15:38:19 CEST 2017,version=1,rawParameters=(null)]


Now neither of our team members can find anything relevent in the logs/google/etc. So we hoped you guys might have a lead. 


Thanks! :)

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Atlassian Team
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August 3, 2017

Hi Ruben,

There are a couple things here:

  1. MariaDB is not yet on the supported platforms list for JIRA so we cannot gaurantee performance as it's not been tested.
  2. Normally when I see these errors there is a lot more to it.  Take a look at the logs around startup and see if you see a line such as the following:
Unable to start JIRA.

After that you should see other errors.  Normally I see the following:

[c.a.jira.startup.LauncherContextListener] Unable to start JIRA.
com.atlassian.jira.exception.DataAccessException: org.ofbiz.core.entity.GenericEntityException: while inserting: [GenericEntity:PluginVersion][created,2017-04-20 13:09:39.316][name,JIRA Projects Plugin][id,null][version,4.3.2][key,com.atlassian.jira.jira-projects-plugin] (SQL Exception while executing the following:INSERT INTO dbo.pluginversion (ID, pluginname, pluginkey, pluginversion, CREATED) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?) (Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'ID', table 'BatmanAPP_test.dbo.pluginversion'; column does not allow nulls. INSERT fails.))

If you do see the above take a look at JIRA startup with MS SQL Server fails with error "Cannot insert the value NULL ... column does not allow nulls. INSERT fails" for instructions to fix the issue.



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