[JIRA] EMAIL HANDLER: Error handling, [JIRA] (project and number)

lukec April 28, 2020

I'm getting tons of emails daily with the above subject line. I've seen alot of similar questions on here but can't find the answer.

Here's an example of one of the emails: 

From: JIRA@xxxx.com
Sent: Monday, March 18, 2019 11:05 AM
To: Me
Subject: [JIRA] EMAIL HANDLER: Error handling: '[JIRA] (XX-12345) Need to do something


This is an automated email from the issue creation service at "https://jira.xxxx.local".

An error was encountered whilst handling messages from the mail server "WorkGroup" using the handler "class com.atlassian.jira.plugins.mail.handlers.CreateOrCommentHandler".

The error was:

"Message appears to have been sent by JIRA. JIRA's mail handler is configured to forward these messages to avoid mail loops."

The error and the email that caused the error are attached to this email.

If this is a recurring problem, you may wish to contact a system administrator to check the parameters of your mail fetching service:

Message was sent by Atlassian JIRA


[Created via e-mail received from: Me]


Any ideas how I can get this to stop? here's the setup in Mail Handler:

Bulk: forward

CC Assignee: false

CC Watchers: true

Create Users: false

Default Reporter: me

Forward Email: me@123.com

Notify Users: true

Strip Quotes: true


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