JIRA Development is way behind the production

Harish Tuccapuram August 8, 2018

JIRA Dev is way behind, the data is not in sync with production.

I would like to replicate the production instance to Dev Instance for users to test and play around what is the best practice to do ?


2 answers

2 votes
Alexis Robert
Community Leader
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August 8, 2018

Hi @Harish Tuccapuram


the quickest way, if both instances are on the same version, would be to simply dump the production database and import it into your test database instance.

You can also simply use the native Jira export and import feature to copy your production content to the Dev one.


Let me know if this helps, 



Harish Tuccapuram August 8, 2018

Thanks @Alexis Robert 

I would like to follow the second approach i will export the production XML and will dump into the dev do i need to keep anything in mind before doing that?

i know this might be dump to ask but wanted to check there should be no talking with Production instance that what i wanted to do to be on a safer side.

Vickey Palzor Lepcha
Rising Star
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August 8, 2018

Some of your Production configurations could reflect in your DEV instance - that you can verify and change if needed.

- LDAP Config - just verify

-BASE url

-Internal Directory Users

-Application Links

Vickey Palzor Lepcha
Rising Star
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August 8, 2018

I'd say just go for a random check of all your JIRA DEV info just to ensure that nothing points to Production Data.

The xml import is pretty safe - I have done it quite a lot of times.

But yes, depending on your Production Data - it could take time. Mine sometimes take 2 hours to complete.

Alexis Robert
Community Leader
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August 8, 2018

After an xml import on your Dev instance, you just need to make sure that the base URL is correctly set, and you can disable email notifications too so that your tests don't sen emails to users.

Vickey Palzor Lepcha
Rising Star
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August 8, 2018

The progress sometimes looks like it's halt - say takes more than 30mins to move from 20% to 21% - I'd say let it be , unless you see any error , do not stop the process.

0 votes
Harish Tuccapuram August 8, 2018

Everything the below mentioned to be done after the import on the Dev instance or once the XML is exported from prod do i need to change that in the XML ?

- LDAP Config 

-BASE url

-Internal Directory Users

-Application Links

Vickey Palzor Lepcha
Rising Star
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August 8, 2018

Nah nah - you've gotta make no changes.

I mean just validate after your export is completed in your Dev Environment.

Vickey Palzor Lepcha
Rising Star
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August 8, 2018

Just validate them AFTER the export

Harish Tuccapuram August 8, 2018
Harish Tuccapuram August 8, 2018

I am unable to change the licence key since it is pointing to the production environment? is there some thing i need to worry about cuz i dont want any damage to be done to the production environment.



Vickey Palzor Lepcha
Rising Star
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August 8, 2018

@Harish Tuccapuram Just open your Atlassian account - look for the Developers License corresponding to your Production License and apply that here on your DEV instance.

Vickey Palzor Lepcha
Rising Star
Rising Star
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August 8, 2018


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