JIRA/Confluence linux installer fail with port-in use

Jens Zastrow March 14, 2012

I cannot install any atlassian product on my complete new Debian 6 system with the linux installer 64bit. Always the port-detection fails with:

The following default options cannot be used. You will be asked to provide alternatives for these options. Control Port (In use)

Maybe some external package is needed to do the port-check?!

This issue seems to be same as #11987

1 answer

1 vote
Jens Zastrow March 14, 2012

Seems that the install4j installer or maybe the bundled jre has a problem with ip4/ip6 binds.

Default debian is /etc/sysctl.d/bindv6only.conf

net.ipv6.bindv6only = 1

if its changed to 0 the installer will detect the free ports and can resume.

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