Issue_Chrome Popups

Andres Ayala June 11, 2024



I am having problems when wanting to add new test cases test or having to open some popup to add evidence or create a bug. None of these options are displayed.

I have already restarted and even reinstated the browser. I have the latest version of the Chrome browser installed. I have tried it in the Mozilla browser, and it works for me without any problem.

I'd appreciate your collaboration and review of this ISSUE.

Thank you!

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Dan Breyen
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June 11, 2024

@Andres Ayala have you by chance tried Edge?  Do other users experience this same behavior on Chrome?  Have you been able to try your login on another PC using Chrome?  Have you tried removing all of your browser cookies? 

If you've for sure narrowed it down and are still having the problem, as you're a Premium account, I would recommend creating a ticket with Atlassian's Support and have them chime in.

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