Is there a way to automatically configure the base URL?

Randall Hayes
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October 3, 2011

I've searched for it in all the property files and it doesn't seem to be there. Since we run on a cloud instance the URL changes each time we start it.


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Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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October 3, 2011

No, it has to be set by the users, and, more importantly, there's no way that Jira can actually know what it's supposed to be running on. Ok, you can fetch the current ip address from the environment, but you wouldn't use that raw, you might be adding things to the end of it.

Three options spring to mind

  1. Write some code that sets it according to whatever rules you need. I suspect a service would be the best way to do it
  2. Talk to your provider - all the "cloud" services I've used have fixed addresses. I know they're not really fixed, but they're presented on the same urls
  3. Sign up for a dynamic system. I don't know if this is the problem, but my home IP address is allocated from a pool of IPs that my ISP own. The IP address I get can be leased for months, but equally, it can be reallocated in minutes (especially when they have an outage or I'm messing with it). I've got a permanent URL for it from dyndns - I've given my router the account details for that, and I'm done. My Tivo is always online at the same URL, irrespective of the address of my house.

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