Is there a way to address customfield_xxxx by it's name when creating/updating issues?

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January 23, 2019

Hi, is there a way to address customfield_xxxx by it's name?

Example: Right now I'm creating issues like this:

  "fields": {
    "summary": "summary",
    "issuetype": {
      "name": "Incident"
    "priority": {
      "id": "10000"
    "description": "description",
    "project": {
      "key": "IM"
    "reporter": {
      "name": "_tibco"
    "customfield_10144": "Bill Gates",  

and I know customfield_10144 is called "Your name"

      "id": "customfield_10144",
      "name": "Your name",
      "custom": true,
      "orderable": true,
      "navigable": true,
      "searchable": true,
      "clauseNames":       [
         "Your name"
      "schema":       {
         "type": "string",
         "custom": "com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.customfieldtypes:textfield",
         "customId": 10144


Is it possible to use something like

"Your name": "Bill Gates"

 instead of

"customfield_10144": "Bill Gates"





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Rising Star
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January 23, 2019


This isn't possible - as the customfield_#### syntax is required by the API.

You could use the /createmeta or /editmeta endpoints in your script to identify the right ID based on the field name (or the reverse).

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