Is it possible to make a field required on for a certain type of issues

Deleted user September 29, 2011

We want our dev team to add original estimtes to all the issues/tasks that they create. They are not doing this thus far with consistency. So, we are planning to make the Time Tracking field on create issue screen as required.

The only problem is, since QA files bugs and they can't estimate the work involved in fixing them on Dev's behalf, they can't provide this estimate on the bugs.

I tried adding a validator to "Create Issue" event to make the above field mandatory, but this will apply to all type os issues (If I'm not wrong).

Is there a way that we can mandate this field only for stories and sub-tasks?

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Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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September 29, 2011

You don't need a validator, Jira has "Field configurations" which allow you to

  1. Set a field as mandatory or optional from the initial creation (it does not do "make field mandatory after certain point in the lifecycle though)
  2. Set different configurations by project and issue type.

Have a look at creating a couple of field configurations, and binding them together (and to the project) with field-configuration-schemes

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