Invalid Pull Request are being associated and raising the counts under development panel of an issue.
We are using Bitbucket Server and that is connected with our Jira.
We are following the below standards to have a correct count advice in devlopment panel for an jira issue.
Pull requests Bitbucket,
Include a commit in the pull request that has the issue key in the commit message. Note, the commit cannot be a merge commit.
Include the issue key in the pull request title.
Ensure that the source branch name includes the issue key.
If you create the pull request from the Branches dialog of the Development panel in a Jira issue, the issue key is added automatically.
For example, if you create a pull request that has "TIS-3" in the title, the TIS-3 issue will automatically transition from 'In Progress' to 'In Review'. If you reopen, decline, or merge the pull request, it will also transition the TIS-3 issue accordingly.
Pull requests are linked automatically if the issue key is included in the pull request's title or in the source branch name.
We do not understand why it is linking/associating and raising the counts of the pull request that are not part.
We dont understand if it picks up the issues from the description as well ?
Looking at the history of that merge request, it seems like the initial changes included a bunch of unrelated commits, some of which may have included unrelated references. The history was corrected, but unfortunately it looks like the link/count/associations was not. Are these links on dev pannel re-scanned when these things change ?