Integrating several JIRA's July 3, 2019


I have several JIRA work spaces with projects and boards in each one of them. Does anybody have an idea how I can integrate them all into one JIRA account? 

I want to the projects to be unchanged I want to move them into a single work space.

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Joe Pitt
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July 3, 2019

What do you mean by 'work spaces'? Are those separate instances of JIRA? If that is the case there is a paid for plugin (don't know name) that will allow you to move projects between instances. Check the 'consolidate several JIRA instances' in the related content.

If you mean pull information from different instances into one display on your desktop there may be something in the marketplace or you'll have to write something to run on your desktop.

Andriy Dekhtyar _Rozdoum_
Atlassian Partner
July 3, 2019

Well, talking about consolidation - I would advice taking a look at our solution - WatchTower for Jira - it can bring issues from different Jira sources into one agile board, where you can work the usual way. 


As alternative - you can try to setup synchronization between instances, or migrate them into one instance

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