In issues simple search the section "Component/Versions" does not show up - why?

Markus Beckmann October 6, 2011

I am on JIRA 4.4 and in the online help the section is shown but in my installation it is simply not there any ideas on how to configure that?

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Julien Hoarau
Rising Star
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October 6, 2011

You need to select a project with components or versions and refresh the simple search to view the Components/Versions section.

It won't be displayed if All Projects is selected.

Markus Beckmann October 6, 2011

I did - I chose two projects which have components that are used by both. I want to see all issues over two projects with the same component

Jim McCaskey October 6, 2011

Your components may look the same to you, but under the covers they are different. You can switch to advanced search and search cross project by component. I've not found a way to do that from simple search.

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Markus Beckmann October 21, 2011

Ah - I understand! Thanks!

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Julien Hoarau
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
October 6, 2011

You need to select a project with components or versions and refresh the search view.

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