In a behaviour - want to get the created date of the issue

Karla Russell November 29, 2018


The older the current issue is, the larger I want the LastUpdatedDateValue to be.

It really doesn't like def Date createdDate = getFieldById("created")

// get updated date
double LastUpdatedDateValue = 0d; // updatedDate value
def Date createdDate = getFieldById("created");

//def Timestamp createdTime = issue.getCreated();
//def Date createdDate = new Date(createdTime.getTime());
def Timestamp todayTime = new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis());
def Date todayDate = new Date(todayTime.getTime());

if (createdDate > todayDate - 2) {
LastUpdatedDateValue = 2d;
} else if (createdDate > todayDate - 7) {
LastUpdatedDateValue = 7d;
} else if (createdDate > todayDate - 14) {
LastUpdatedDateValue = 14d;
} else { // greater then 8
LastUpdatedDateValue = 16d;


What should I be using to get the create date?


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Fazila Ashraf
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November 29, 2018

Hi @Karla Russell

Could you try 

def date = getFieldById("create-date") 
Karla Russell December 5, 2018

Haven't had a chance to verify this yet.  Thanks Fazila!  

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