In-Line Edit for JIRA shows ProjectID's and not the name

Kurt October November 11, 2020


I hope this question finds all of you well.

I created a custom single line text field called Targeted Project(s). Since there was not free way of having a multiselect project field, I used the behaviours addOn to make this custom field behave that way.

The behaviour code is as follows:

import com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor

def projectManager = ComponentAccessor.getProjectManager()
def projectList = projectManager.getProjects()

getFieldByName("Targeted Project(s)").convertToMultiSelect()
getFieldByName("Targeted Project(s)").setFieldOptions(projectList.findAll {})

And this works great on the EDIT screen as per below:


However on the in-line edit screen, its displaying the IDs of the projects and not the names. Is there a way to have this display the names instead of the IDs



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