If we have more transitions than 3 then the additional are under the workflow. how to show them all?

Vanisree Valaboju
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June 13, 2022

If we have more transitions than 3 then the additional are under the workflow. how to show them all?

How can I list them all on the screen without drop down.Capture1.JPG


Want to see Verify, Put on Hold, Done , Cancel Request all in single line

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Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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June 13, 2022

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To simplify and save space, Jira defaults to showing the first two transitions available and shoving the rest into the workflow button.

So, two things:

You can choose what order to list transitions in by applying the opsbar.sequence property to the transitions in the workflow (the lowest numbers will appear first, so if you apply values like 10, 20, 30, 40, etc, then when you're in a status that can go out to all the others, you'll see 10 and 20 in the bar, and the others go into the drop-down)

The default is 2.  2 to the left of the workflow drop-down.  If you change, or add (from memory) ops.bar.group.size.opsbar-transitions in the jira-config.properties file in your Jira home directory, you can set that "2" to whatever you want.  Jira assumes 2 if there's nothing there (including the file not existing), but I often set it to 4-5.  It gets a bit clunky as the menu expands over 5 (especially if your people think it is clever to have long transition names).  Or just 0, which means "never have a workflow drop-down".

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