I want original estimate to sumup in Product story

Tehmina Aslam
June 12, 2024



I have a custom issue type hierarchy: -

Epic - Product Story - Technical Task - Subtasks

We estimate Technical Tasks in hours using the "original estimate" field. I want to create a rule that:

  1. Checks if all the Technical Tasks have original estimates.
  2. Sums up all the original estimates and places the total in the original estimate field of the Product Story.

Here is the smart value I am using: ``` {{#=}}{{issue."technical task".remaining estimate.sum}} / 60{{/}} ```

Thank you for your assistance. Best regards, [Your Name]

{{#=}}{{issue."Technical Task".remaining estimate.sum}} / 60{{/}}

1 answer

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Bill Sheboy
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
June 13, 2024

Hi @Tehmina Aslam 

For a question like this, please post an image of your complete automation rule, images of any relevant actions / conditions / branches, an image of the audit log details showing the rule execution, and explain what is not working as expected.  Those will provide context for the community to offer ideas.  Thanks!

Until we see those...


You describe an issue hierarchy of:

  • Epic
    • Product Story
      • Technical Task
        • Subtask

And so your issues likely use the built-in parent field to link together.

The expression you show will not work, as "Technical Task" is not a field / smart value: it is an issue type.

Instead you would need to gather the Technical Task issues for their parent (a Product Story) and then sum the values.  To do this, you could use the Lookup Issues action and then reference the smart values for time tracking.

Here are some references to help do that:




Kind regards,

Tehmina Aslam
June 16, 2024

You want to sumup to all on technical tasks and then from tech to product story. right? because I want on product story

There you go...


Bill Sheboy
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
June 16, 2024

Please post images of the audit log details showing the rule execution and of the Edit Issue action.


You described wanting to sum the values in the Technical Task issues which are children of the Product Story issue...

  • The JQL condition seem incorrect as that will not test if the trigger issue is a Technical Task
  • And, as described earlier: to do what you ask you will need to use the Lookup Issues action to gather the Technical Task issues related to the trigger issue


If this is unclear, please discuss your rule with your Jira Site Admin for support.

Tehmina Aslam
June 19, 2024

let me tell you more details ... i rename epic as a product story and the technical task is actually a standard issue type (i.e story) 


1) here I just want to collect all the original estimates value in the technical tasks under a product story, and just sum up in the original estimate field of the product story...


and the sum of the time spent in subtasks to technical tasks and from all technical tasks to product stories under one epic. (maybe in the custom field)

Here are the logs...


Tehmina Aslam
June 24, 2024

Okay, i have updated a few things, but it is still not working for me...

Let me clear, my issue types are renamed as

Epic = Product Story &

Story = Technical tasks


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