I simply can't get an issue to be "resolved"

Alex Markov April 30, 2017

So here is my workflow: http://imgur.com/a/K4I9R

And I have this issue: http://imgur.com/a/LH2ay

The problem I am having is that this issue is still in the "unresolved" state (red arrow). I've been able to update my workflow so that I have a Post Function that automatically resolves issues when they get into the the "done" staging going forward. However this issue is already there and I can not move back backwards and forwards into this "done" stage again where this Post Function would be triggered. So now I am stuck with this issue in all of my reports just sitting there, even though work was completed on it a week ago. :-/ 

Can anyone help?

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Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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April 30, 2017

Your workflow doesn't have any way to move back from "ready" or "done".  I would add routes back, even if they're limited to the project lead or admins only.

For issues that are now stuck without a resolution and can't be pushed back, you have several options, but I would go with one of the more obvious ones:

  • Edit the workflow to allow a move back, then re-do the close (as you've added a post-function to set the resolution)
  • Add a transition that does not change the status, but does include the post-function to set the resolution
  • At a *very* quiet time for your users, add the Resolution field to the "edit" screen, search for "status in (done / deployed, ready for deployment) and resolution is empty", and use bulk-edit to set a resolution.  Then remove the field before your users trash your data.

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