I have tried to remove a user 8 times now. Every time he is being added in account automatically. C

Vishal Anand July 8, 2020

I have tried to remove the user 8 times now. Everytime he is being added in account automatically by Atlassian. Can you please fix this bug. I am also getting email with below description:

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Hi Vishal,

sagar cp (sagar.c-p@capgemini.com) has just joined dfsrbimandate.atlassian.net. Check out sagar cp's profile.


sagar cp, and anyone else who signs up to your site, will not be able to access some applications because you've reached the maximum number of users. Here are the details of the default applications:


  • Jira Software
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Jack Brickey
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July 8, 2020

Hi Vishal,

I haven’t experienced this situation unless I have it setup to allow users to auto join or be invited by other users. Can you check you project settings and site settings. Also might be worth checking the audit logs under the Admin settings > system. Finally if everything looks normal I would direct you to Atlassian Support just is case there is some bug lurking.

Vishal Anand July 10, 2020

Hi Jack,


Thank you, issue is resolved after solution provided by Atlassian Support.

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