I have a couple of questions but I'm not sure if these are new feature requests

Kevin Turner April 9, 2012

Is it possible to enter a bug as you would a sub task under a user story?

I'm trying to find a way of adding a bug as you a technical sub task / subtask in the task board view when you select the left hand "card menu".

Can you tell me if this is possible and if so how I can do this?

Screenshot attached... err no it isn't as I don't have any "Karma Points"!


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Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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April 9, 2012

Not really. Top level and sub-task issue types are separate - a top level item cannot be a sub-task of something else, and a sub-task must have a parent.

There's nothing to stop you adding a sub-task issue type of "bug" though. You won't be able to use the exact same name (That's from memory, that may have changed) and Jira will still treat them as two utterly separate issue types.

Kevin Turner April 9, 2012

Hi Nic,

I have managed to add 2 bug types. Both called Bug. I have used underscores i.e B_U_G in the second type of bug to achieve this. I can confirm that the second type can now be added as a sub task under the User Story and works very well indeed!

Kind regards


Cyril Egan
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April 9, 2012

We are currently testing using this and have called our sub-task bug 'Story Bug'.

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