I don´t how or when I signed up for a premium subscription, but somehow I´m being charged

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September 28, 2024


I recently started as an intern at a company about two months ago and was added to their Jira instance. However, I’ve just received an invoice for €16, and I’m confused about how I ended up with a monthly subscription.

I don’t recall ever creating a personal Jira project or signing up for a subscription associated with my email. My only theory is that my email was registered when I was added to my company's Jira as I´m always VERY careful with signing up for services and products as my budget simply does not allow for such expenditures at this current moment.

I would like to request the cancellation of this subscription and confirm that I will not be charged the €16 or any additional fees.

Thank you for your attention to this matter!

Best regards,

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Trudy Claspill
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September 28, 2024

Hello @Johannes 

Welcome to the Atlassian community.

If you have received an invoice via email then that means that email is the registered Billing contact for a product. You should be able to contact Atlassian directly with questions about the invoice by going to the Web page for contacting their Billing team at


We are a user community for users of the products and don't have access to your site or billing information. Contacting Atlassian directly is your best course of action.

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