I am seeing all previous versions of a Workflow displayed in the Workflow column of the Screen list

Joe B
I'm New Here
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January 3, 2019

I am seeing a huge list of all the previous workflow history versions showing in the Screens page in the Workflow column and all of them link to the same active workflow.  Anyone else seeing this same issue?

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Angélica Luz
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
January 8, 2019

Hello Joe,

Thank you for getting in touch with Atlassian Community!
Just for us to better understand and help you with this issue, can you please send us a screenshot of the screen where you see these versions of the workflow?
I've tried to reproduce here, but I'm not sure if I was checking the correct page, so with the screenshot, we will be able to replicate the issue on our local environment.


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