How to migrate one company Jira projects to another company jira which already contains projects

Rajshri Reddy January 24, 2025



I want to migrate one company Jira projects including workflows, Automation rules, User, Groups, integration with outlook, Microsoft teams, custom fields, permissions like each and every data to another company Jira which already consists of lot of projects. please can you suggest what is the best way to do this migration without Lossing the data. 

we can use third party plugins, but we want to do it with Jira. If not possible with default Jira please suggest any free plugins.

And suggest best for both Jira server to Jira sever and Jira cloud to Jira cloud.



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Anandhi Arumugam _Cprime_
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January 24, 2025

Hi @Rajshri Reddy 

1. To copy data from one cloud site to another, follow the instructions here

This option should be found under Admin -> Settings -> Data Management

You will be able to select the projects and other data you want to copy.

2. To migrate from server to server

You can try the Project Import option from Jira Administration -> System -> Project import

or can try using plugins like Configuration Manager for Jira 

3. To migrate from server to cloud you need to use the built-in tools like JCMA and CCMA

Follow the documentation here to choose the migration method applicable to you.

Hope this is helpful!

Rajshri Reddy January 26, 2025

Thank you for the help!!!Can I use  Deep Clone For Jira in That using Instance Clone to migrate the data from one instance to other. 


What way will be easy because U want to copy around 20 projects from one instance to other instance and it has automation rules, custom fields, workflows and integration with outlook and MS team.


Please if you suggest and reply for this it will be really helpful for me.


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