How to fix: Pasting dark mode text from email into dark mode Jira results in black on black text

Larry Daniele June 18, 2024

When pasting from Mac Mail in dark mode to a Jira comment field (also in dark mode in Chrome), the resulting text is almost always black text on an dark gray background when it should be the original white text on a dark gray background.

Have others seen this problem? Is there a way to avoid (or fix it)?

I've also noticed that after pasting to Jira the text color picker says the text is "Dark gray". And if I choose the "almost white" color in the upper left labeled "Default", it does nothing and the text remains Dark gray.

My work-around has been to select a green color that is visible with either a light or dark background, but that's less than ideal.


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Lígia Zanchet
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
June 20, 2024

Hello Larry  

Thank you for your message.
I was able to reproduce the problem, but seems that this is limited to Mac Mail.
I tested some other apps in the dark mode, and it didn't seem to have a problem copying and pasting text from them.
The option is to use plain text when copying and past
You can use Shift + Command + V to paste without formatting

Please let me know if the above solves your problem 

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