How to do Strategic Roadmaps

david levy
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October 17, 2011

Currently have a number of issues that were entered into a variety of projects. We are looking for a way to aggregate the issues into feature categories and roll-up the feature categories into a strategic roadmap.

So I'm looking for a way that issues can transcend the projects that they been put into for use in another section.

Are there plug-ins or somthing that allow this?

1 answer

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Fringe Technology October 31, 2011

One option...

First, go find out how many features you have....Create a filter that specifies the projects you want to search in (or select all projects), and optionally include the issuetype in the filter (like 'new feature' or 'improvement'). Take this filter and pull it into a dashboard using the two-dimensional chart gadget. Display the chart with (for example) Component & Status fields.

At this point, you can decide if you still want to work the feature or not. If yes, you can make a choice to 1) leave the original Jira in the project where it is now and CLONE it, then MOVE the CLONE to the new project. Or, 2) go ahead and MOVE the feature to a new Project (the one you are going to use to plan future releases). Once you have the Jiras in the new project, you can create a Product or Project Roadmap, and decide in what order (release) you want to work the issues that are there. You can also create new components in this New project, which can also help to organize them for review, and categorizes them into the desired future release.

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