How to display column titles for the issues when in list view of planning board

Tal Rotem
June 13, 2011

When viewing the issues in Planning board, and the view mode is List (not card or summary) then each line shows a single issue (e.g. single user story).

Although this is a table-like view, no column titles are available, making it difficult to guess the goal of each field
(unless pointing and viewing the tooltip)

Is there a way to add table header with the titles of all columns at the top of the page?

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2 answers

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John Funk
Community Leader
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August 20, 2021

Hey @Tal Rotem1  - This is extremely old, but did you ever get this resolved? If so, can you click the Accept Answer button above from Martin so we can close it out? 

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Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
June 14, 2011

Tal, there is currently no way to do this in the product.

Issue-types can be configured independently and so a table header would not necessarily reflect the columns below for all issue-types, that would only work if all issue-types had the same fields in the same sequence.

To help with identifying the field we added title attributes (like a tooltip) which either state the field-type or the action if clicked e.g. Edit Reporter.

I hope this helps answer your question,



Tal Rotem
June 14, 2011
Thanks. It answers, but puts it in a dead end. IMHO this is far from acceptable in a professional product. I recommend to consider having a way to show only a list of a single type of issue in the planning board (e.g. list only user stories,only bugs,etc) and in such case the limitation mentioned (conflict of possible different field formats) will be gone and it will be possible to display a clearly visual header to the list as in normal tables (which do exist in competing commercial products). BTW - is this something that anyone can offer as a plugin??? volunteers are welcome! regards, Tal
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
June 14, 2011
Tal, thanks for your suggestion. Please create an issue for this request if it is something you would like to see in the GreenHopper product: Thanks Martin

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