How to disable pop-up option for editing an existing issue in JIRA 7.4.4 and forward

Helen Ahlberg September 3, 2019


I have just put a Behaviour on my description field to create a table. Works just fine after getting help from Antoine at your end BUT

when edit the table after creation I find my self in Edit popup form enabled

-> I open my issue

I select and try to copy my table (to be able to enter this in another tool)

when selecting the table the Issue opens up in edit mode and my table emptied!!!

If only cancel at this moment nothings really gone but this behaviour is scary....

How can I control this? I need to keep the behaviour of the table being shown when creating my issue but I also need to be able to just copy the information afterwards and move it without this strange procedure. As is now I cannot even copy it. How can I make sure this way of working is possible?

I have read that this has to do with Scriptrunner and its Limitations but on the page I saw this was for Jira5.1. Has this been solved for Jira 7.4.4 and forward?



Helen Ahlberg

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