How to create jira alerts from datadog

Sergio Sánchez González December 31, 2024

Opsgenie will close in 2025. We are integrated our monitoring tool (Datadog) with obsgenie. So we want to integrate now datadog with jira. But the jira plugin on datadog is not creating jira alerts, it's creating jira tickets on projects.

Is there any way to connect directly the datadog events to jira alerts? What would be the best approach to create jira alerts from datadog?

1 answer

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Alonso Rojas December 31, 2024

If you only need to create Jira tickets when Datadog triggers an event, use the native Datadog–Jira integration and configure a dedicated issue type (like “Alert” or “Incident”) along with automations.

Other option is that if you want alert-style workflows with on-call scheduling and escalations (similar to Opsgenie), migrating to Jira Service Management and using its Incident module is best or creating customized flows, you can use Datadog webhooks with Jira’s REST API.

Hope this helps.


Sergio Sánchez González December 31, 2024

I understand Jira Service Management is another kind of board with normal issues.

What I want is to keep the migrated alerts coming now from opsgenie. In the future they should come from datatog as I understand Atlassian will close Opsgenie.

I mean I want to keep this:


We already have teams on-call configured against the alerts. So my question is how to reach this scenario coming now from datadog. Should I use and intermediate board and the forward tickets to alert with some rule or is there any other more direct approach?

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