How to create issues in multiple projects using one mail server

Deleted user September 24, 2018

I've read this but I don't understand it.


My company has a mail server in gmail (all company emails are

In Method 1, what gmail is it referring to in step 2? Do I need to create a new account in the server for each project?


In Method 2, it says to configure filter and labels, but in which account? I don't understand where I need to configure these.




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Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
September 25, 2018

Hey Federico, 


Welcome to the Community - I'd like to understand a little more about what you want to do here so I can help you! Can you tell us more about your use case?


So the configuration would depend on what you need - do you want everything to come through a single email address or are you going to use different email addresses for each project?


In addition, if you wanted to use a single email address - how would you tell which emails go to which projects? Would this be based on sender, email subject etc?




Deleted user September 26, 2018

Hi, thanks for your response. I'll try to be more clear:


I want to be able to create issues in my Jira Software projects by sending an email to some address. The link I put on the question mentions two ways. I don't quite follow the instructions mentioned and I have some more doubts:


1. Do I need to create one email account for each project? (asking for both methods)

2. In method 2, the documentations says that labels and filters should be created. Where does this need to be configured? In which account? (is it one account per project or just one account?)

Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
September 26, 2018

I'm still not sure what you need for your company, if you want to answer my questions then the information I can give you will be more specific for your needs.  I'd also recommend reading this instead: Creating Issues and Comments from Email


To answer your questions specifically: 

  1. This would be how I would recommend using Jira - one email account for each project, but this would be taking about the article I have linked above - not the KB.  The KB assumes you are using one email account for all of the projects. 
  2. The labels and filters would be created in the Gmail account.  I think this assumes you are using a single Gmail account and using the labels and filters to route these to different projects. 

I believe this KB article may be over complicating what you actually want to do, but without the extra information about your use case, it's difficult to give a recommendation. 

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