How to create a dashboard that reflects the Start Date/Due Date of Sub-Tasks assigned?

Bunty May 21, 2019

Hello All,

How to create a dashboard that reflects the Start Date/Due Date of Sub-Tasks assigned?

Thanks in Advance,


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Jack Brickey
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May 21, 2019

I'm not sure I'm understanding where you are having issues. The first step is to create a filter that results in all issues you want displayed/reported. For example, if you want all sub-tasks in a give project that are not done then - project = myproject and issuetype = sub-task and status != Done. The second step is to add the desired gadget, e.g. Filter Results and then add the fields you want e.g. start date and due date. 

I think I'm missing what problem you might be having though.

Bunty May 21, 2019

Hi Jack,

Thanks for the reply!

I don't know about the results gadget. As you said I have created filter and added it to the results gadget. Now i am able to see the Due Data and Start date fields on the Dashboard.

Thanks Again,


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