How to change board settings in team managed projects?

BeeraR March 15, 2022

We use Jira Cloud.

I have created a business project and want to add extra swimlanes to the board.

I am org admin

Current swimlanes in the board are TODO IN Progress Done

I want to add Reopen and Retest as 2 other swimlanes.

When i click on more in the board view i am not able to see the board settings

1 answer

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Jack Brickey
Community Leader
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March 15, 2022

Hi @BeeraR , welcome to the community!

So I suspect that you are not talking about swim lanes but rather columns. Swimlanes are horizontal rows in a board whereas vertical grouping is represented in columns. Is this the case? in fact I'm not sure that swim lanes are even supported in TMP projects yet? This is important in order to guide you correctly.

in TMP if you're trying to add a new column you are in fact adding a new status you can do this directly from the board or you can edit the workflow.

can you indicate what you have tried and been unsuccessful with? Also I am assuming that you are an admin for this project?

BeeraR March 15, 2022

Hi Jack,

Please see my role in the project


Also yes you are correct i was talking about columns. Normally i would see the board settings option when i click on here where i could add more columns:image.png

Jack Brickey
Community Leader
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March 15, 2022

In the far right of your board you should see a cog/gear. Click on that and you will be able to add a column.

BeeraR March 15, 2022



There is nothing as such on the far right?

BeeraR March 15, 2022


BeeraR March 16, 2022

@Jack Brickey  Do you have any insights into this?

Jack Brickey
Community Leader
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March 16, 2022

ok so I took a look at a JWM project. You simply need to dit the workflow and add in your new statuses to the workflow. Project settings > workflows, edit the workflow and add your statuses.

BeeraR March 16, 2022

Workflows are not under the project settings pageimage.png

BeeraR March 16, 2022

When i go into issue types and go into Bugs then i can see workflow and workflow is already changed please see the image below:


BeeraR March 16, 2022

@Jack Brickey  Hope you can see the issue at hand

Jack Brickey
Community Leader
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March 16, 2022

In that image you have four statuses. So in your current board you are missing the QA status. I suspect that this is because not all issue types have QA but your board is representing all issue types. Now it could also be that in this template you are using may not be possible to modify the columns in the default board. you could always create your own full featured kanban board and modify it as required. Note that in your original post you were looking for reopened & retest but those are transitions not statuses in your workflow.

Jack Brickey
Community Leader
Community Leader
Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
March 16, 2022

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