How to build and install jira system plugin from source?

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June 24, 2017


I am trying to build the JIRA full source code from version 7.2.8. After finishing building it successfully by the command ./, I found that the system plugin source codes, such as jira-greenhopper-plugin-7.2.8-DAILY20170306163314-sources.jar, jira-quick-edit-plugin-3.2.0-sources.jar, in the dirictory dependencysources haven't been built and packed into the final war package. 

Could anyone to tell me how could I build the source codes in the dependencysources directory and install them into the JIRA software? 


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Atlassian Team
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June 26, 2017

Hi wangchaodi,

From the Building JIRA from source article the only buildable part of the source package is JIRA itself, not its dependencies.

If you're running into build errors that complain about the add-ons:

On rare occasions, however, the build process may fail and you may receive an error similar to the one encountered when an Atlassian product is unable to install a plugin from Atlassian's public Maven repository. This problem is caused by the JVM being unable to access its default 'cacerts' file, which contains a certificate that trusts Atlassian's public Maven repository.

To resolve the above:

  1. Try one of the solutions mentioned in the Confluence Knowledge Base article: Unable to Install Plugin Due to Maven SSL.
  2. If that does not resolve the problem, you may have a 'jssecacerts' file which does not contain a certificate that trusts Atlassian's public Maven repository. If a 'jssecacerts' file is present in your JVM, the 'cacerts' file may be ignored.



I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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June 26, 2017

Hi Branden,

Thank you for your help. As you say, if the source code in the dependencies couldn't be build with the JIRA source, how can I build them by myself? And how does your install package of atlassian-jira-software-7.3.3-x64.bin be made?

Besides, when I deplyed the jira software war file which had been built with your source by myself, I found that there was no software project type and I didn't use the backlog, sprint feature and so on for software development management. The attachment file could show this. How could I resolve this problem? Is there any other configuration should I do?


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