How to answer ticket that has similar ticket name at once

Rose Satawiriya
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January 21, 2025


I don't have full JIRA permission, but usually when I work on tickets I typically receive 3 different tickets that can be grouped in the same category for example:

* Ticket 1 title is "Jeans 40$"

* Ticket 2 title is "Jean 29$"

*Ticket 3 title is "Jean 50$"

When I perform action for all three tickets (with the same reporter for all three tickets) I would like to build automation rule that effectively notifies the reporter that it's done and I want to close these tickets to done effectively at the same time without sending duplicate messages. Please suggest an efficient way thanks! 

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Trudy Claspill
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January 21, 2025

Hello @Rose Satawiriya 

Welcome to the Atlassian community.

Can you tell us the type of project where these tickets exist? You can get that information from the View All Projects page under the Projects menu. Find the project in the list and tell us what it says in the Type column.

If you are not a Project Administrator for the Project or a Jira Administrator, you probably don't have access to create automations within Jira. You would have to work with your Jira Administrators for that.

You probably also do not have any control over the sending of notifications to the reporter. They will be notified for activities on each ticket. That is something else you would have to get help from your Jira Administrators to change.

So, my recommendation is that your first contact your Jira administrators to raise this suggestion to them to look at ways to improve your team's usage of Jira.

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