In atlassian-connect I want to add page to sidenav without heading (like General configuration in the bottom image).
I want to add a page to and on which, after entering, a sidenav will appear with a link to the "Example general page" but without the header (like General configuration as in the image below).
My atlassian-connect looks like:
"generalPages": [
"key": "example-general-page",
"location": "web-item-top-navigation",
"name": {
"value": "Example general page"
"url": "/example",
"webItems": [
"key": "example-web-item",
"location": "",
"name": {
"value": "Example web item"
"url": "/example"
"webSections": [
"key": "example-web-section",
"location": "example-web-item",
"weight": 10,
"name": {
"value": ""
I added web section, because without it sidenav didn't show at all. I set name to "" to not show heading, but I'm not satisfied with this solution because empty heading has some margin.