How to add issue to existing epic in new issue view?

robkent August 28, 2018

Before new view issue design (early 2018) I had "Plus" icon in Epics. When you press this button, you can create issues, that are linked to this epic.

Now I can't do same thing. There is no "Plus" button. I see this button on task/subtasks, but there is no such button in Epic.

How to add an issue to epic? Is it a bug? Is there a workaround?

2 answers

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Phil Shin
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October 21, 2020

Old Question but just leave it for others.

Do you have a create issue permission of the project where you can't see the plus sign?

If you do not have a create issue permission, then + sign disappear on epic to create 'issue in epic'.

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Pete Singleton
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August 28, 2018

Do you have "Linked Issues" listed as a field within the Screen Scheme?

robkent August 28, 2018

Yes, I do. I see "+" in issues with other linked issues. I don't see "+" in Epics with issues connected to it.

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