We need to set up a process in Jira where a task assigned to a team member cannot be moved to another sprint without the original reporter's confirmation.
How can we implement this in Jira?
Would it require workflow customization, automation rules, or a marketplace app like ScriptRunner?
I have tried to send notificiation to reporter by writing scrip lissiner via ScriptRunner, but it throws an error
assert resp.status == 204 | | | | 400 false status: 400 - Bad Request body: {"errorMessages":["No recipients were defined for notification."],"errors":{}}
import groovy.xml.MarkupBuilder
import groovy.xml.XmlSlurper
def eventIssue = Issues.getByKey(issue.key as String)
Map sprintChange = changelog?.items.find { it["field"] == "Sprint" } as Map
if (!sprintChange) {
def fromSprint = sprintChange.from as String
def toSprint = sprintChange.to as String
def issueReporter = eventIssue.getReporter() ? eventIssue.getReporter() : eventIssue.getCreator()
if (fromSprint != toSprint) {
def writer = new StringWriter()
def markupBuilder = new MarkupBuilder(writer)
markupBuilder.div {
p {
// update url below:
a(href: "http://myjira.atlassian.net/issue/${issue.key}", issue.key)
span(" has had sprint change request from ${fromSprint} to ${toSprint}")
p("<p><b>${eventIssue.assigneeUser}</b> need to change sprint from sprint: <b>${fromSprint}</b> to: <b>${toSprint}</b> for <b>${issue.key}</b> </br> <p> Please go and review the updates on the ticket.</p>")
def htmlMessage = writer.toString()
def textMessage = new XmlSlurper().parseText(htmlMessage).text()
def recipients = [:]
recipients.users = [[accountId: issueReporter.accountId]]
recipients.reporter = true
logger.info("Irecipients ${recipients}")
def resp = post("/rest/api/2/issue/${issue.id}/notify")
.header("Content-Type", "application/json")
subject: 'Sprint Change Request',
textBody: textMessage,
htmlBody: htmlMessage,
to: recipients
assert resp.status == 204
Would appreciate any guidance on the best approach to achieve this.