How i can find all the issues that was on sprint after the sprint closes in Jql query?

Maya_herman July 7, 2020


I want the ability to get all the details that i have in sprint report  about specific sprint in JQL query. 


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Bill Sheboy
Rising Star
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July 8, 2020

Hi @Maya_herman -- Welcome to the Atlassian community!

The short answer is: you cannot do that fully.

The sprint report uses current information in the issues and the activity tracking of the issues over time.  You could create a JQL query to show the items that were in the sprint, but the remainder of the information would not show.  For example: changes is work item size, changes in sprint scope, etc.  You could construct multiple queries to get at the pieces of the information, but not all of it using one JQL statement.

Best regards,


Maya_herman July 9, 2020

Thanks bii!


How can i get all the issues that don’t finished in sprint "X" and passed to another sprint/ to backlog during the sprint "X" or in the last day of sprint "X" in JQL query?


How i can get all the issued that planned to specific sprint, all the issues that was in sprint in the first day of the sprint?

Bill Sheboy
Rising Star
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July 9, 2020

Hi, Maya!

First thing, here is the documentation on advanced JQL, which may give you some ideas:


Use this one to find the issues in a prior sprint and which are now in an open sprint:

project = myProject
AND sprint IN closedSprints()
AND sprint IN openSprints()

If you changed the status to Backlog as part of the move, you could refine that query a bit with:

project = myProject
AND sprint IN closedSprints()
AND sprint IN openSprints()
AND status CHANGED TO Backlog DURING (yyyy-mm-dd, yyyy-mm-dd)

For your second question about planned issues at sprint start, anything that was in the sprint when it started will have that sprint name in the the field.  For JIRA (and scrum), that is why it is valuable to confirm your scope before you start the sprint.

Maya_herman July 11, 2020

If i moved the story before closing the sprint, so i doesn’t have that sprint name in the field. This is why the JQL queries above don’t work for me.

Bill Sheboy
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
July 13, 2020

Well, that is curious.  The sprint value is added to the field when the sprint starts.  I thought that removing it from the sprint should not remove the value. 

How are you moving the story before the sprint closes?

As an alternative, when a work item will not finish in the sprint, consider leaving it in place until the end, to preserve the history.

If removing things from sprints is happening frequently, consider pausing with the team to understand why and how to improve that.

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