How give access to some Admin rights only

Stephen Langley October 19, 2011

I have seen instances of Jira where users can have access to only the Admin rights of add/edit and deleting components (and versions.)

How do I make this happen?

6 answers

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Stephen Langley November 8, 2011

OK I think Im all set with this now. Thanks!!!

1 vote
Sean Rich October 19, 2011

You need to give those users Administer Projects permission. There is more info here:

0 votes
Sean Rich October 31, 2011

Yes, I was rererring to the Administer Projects permission. The page I linked to above gives this info:

Permission to administer a project in JIRA. This includes the ability to edit project role membership, project components, project versions and some project details ('Project Name', 'URL', 'Project Lead', 'Project Description').

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Alan elfert October 31, 2011

There is a permission called "Administer Projects." You can create a Project Admininstrator Role, grant is permission to Administer Projects, and add the appropriate users to is. This is different than the Project Lead.

The administer projects permission allows a user to add/edit components and versions.

Project administrators don't have permission to modify permissions, schemes, etc. as those can be used across projects.

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Justin Rand October 31, 2011

I believe what Sean was referring to is the Project Administrator role, not the jira-administrator group. I'm pretty sure that adding a user to this role allows them to add/edit/delete versions and components of the project without having access to the "Administrator" section of JIRA.

This role does not allow the ability to modify the workflows as they are system-wide features and not project-specific.

Stephen Langley October 31, 2011

Are you talking about the Project Lead role? If so, you can only assign one of those at a time...correct?

0 votes
Stephen Langley October 30, 2011

Thanks for the answer but that is not what I am looking for. I know how to assign admin permissions. What I am looking for is a way to allow some users the ability to add/edit/delete components only. I don't want them having access to the workflow setup, screen setup or any other area within the administrator rights. I just want them to be able to add/update/delete components only.

I have seen this done before, but I have not figured out how to do this. Is there a way to expose only those fields? Or come up with a permission scheme that only includes access to components?

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