How do you restrict resolution options for a given transition?

David Dube
Rising Star
Rising Star
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October 18, 2011

I'm a Jira Studio user (v4.4.x) and I'm using the new graphical workflow designer for the first time.

For the life of me, I can't figure out how/where to assign field properties for a given transaction - I must be overlooking something. Ultimately, I only want a certain subset of resolution options when transitioning from Open to Closed (Won't Fix, Cannot Reproduce, Duplicate), and a different set of resolution options when transitioning from to the closed state (Fixed, Won't Fix).

I did find in the documentation about setting jira.field.resolution.exclude property... again, not sure where I would set that.

Any pointers would be appreciated.


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8 votes
David Dube
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
October 18, 2011

Nevermind... I found it... for anyone that may be interested...

Administration -> Issues -> Workflow -> Click on steps for the workflow in question -> Click on the transition in question -> Click on "View properties of this transition" and here is where you can add the jira.field.resolution.exclude property...

Note: The values you put are based on the order of all possible resolution codes... ie 1,6

Would exclude the first and sixth option from that transition.


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