How do you ensure an issue in the backlog that is dragged to the board goes to the first column

J_Nova November 2, 2020

I have a kanban board and when I create an issue in the backlog and drag it to board in "boardview", the issue goes to another column on the board and not the first column, as intended. 

How do I get issues dragged onto the board to ALWAYS go to the first column?


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John Funk
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November 2, 2020

Hey @J_Nova  - Welcome to the Atlassian Community!

Where a card can go when you drag it (or change the status) depends on the underlying workflow for that issue type on that project. 

Make sure there is only a transition from the Backlog status to the Status of the first column to prevent it from going to other columns. 

J_Nova November 3, 2020

So it's strange, but I have gone through the workflow and it should be fine. But still having the same issue. I have included a snapshot of the workflow. Do let me know if you have thoughts. 

And thanks. Screenshot 2020-11-03 at 14.10.20.png

John Funk
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November 3, 2020

This image is not an actual screenshot of the Workflow in Jira is it? Can you include that?

Also, what statuses are mapped to the Backlog column on your board and what statuses are mapped to the first column on the board? 

J_Nova November 3, 2020

Yes, it is an actual screenshot of the workflow in Jira. 

The status on the board are release backlog, analysis, priority features, in progress, uat and done. when an issue is created in the backlog, my understanding is that is the "create" component of the workflow and I had done a transition from create to "release backlog", so that dragging an issue to the board in backlog view would automatically show under "release backlog". 

John Funk
Community Leader
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Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
November 4, 2020

Hey @J_Nova  - Thanks for the additional information and clarification. 

Here's the deal with Backlogs and the board:

The "Backlog" is just a column for the board. It happens to be off of the board as it is labeled, but you can put any status you want in there. Even multiple statues. 

When a card is created, it goes to the status that the create transition is linked to. In your case, that is the Release Backlog status. That status should be in your Backlog column. 

Then, again in your case, the first field on the board would be the Analysis column - assuming you put the Analysis status in the first column on your board. 

So in your Backlog, you would see two sections - the top one with Analysis status and the bottom one would be Release Backlog. 

To move a card from Release Backlog to the first column on the board, you can simply drag it up to the Analysis section in the Backlog.

Does all of that make sense? 

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