How do we reject a ticket in ongoing sprint without affecting the scope of the sprint?

Kaustubh Rajesh Rajhansa
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January 2, 2025

By mistake a team member added more story points to the ticket which was already in ongoing sprint. Due to this sprint burndown chart got affected and it showed spike in the chart. After changing the story points back to the previous, burndown chart still shows spike. How can we remediate this? 
Rejecting the ticket might help remediating this but there is not option for rejecting.
Kindly help in this.

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Walter Buggenhout
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January 2, 2025

Hi @Kaustubh Rajesh Rajhansa and welcome to the Community!

Short answer: don't. I would suggest to focus on delivering the value to your project / product rather than trying to fix Jira sprint reports. You know what happened and if it is very important to your team to explain how and why story points suddenly changed and were reverted, do add a note to your sprint report or retrospective after the sprint, but focus your (team's) energy on whatever it is you are buiding/developing. Jira is just a tool that helps you organise and track your work. It is not worth finding all kinds of workarounds to get your Jira report right - I suppose that your core business is something else 😛

Hope this helps!

Trudy Claspill
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January 2, 2025

Adding to this...

Basically you cannot remove the spike in the report.

Changing story point values in issues in a sprint changes the sprint burndown.

Adding and removing issues in the sprint when the issues have story points also changes the sprint burndown.

There is no method for removing the spikes and dips in the sprint burndown for those activities.

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