How do we do continuous monitor the new JIRA tickets using the JIRA Rest Client library

Jusline Zachariah June 13, 2017

We need to continuous monitoring of the JIRA tickets .

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Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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June 14, 2017

There's two parts to this answer

1. What do you want from "monitoring"?

2.  What does "continuous" mean in this context?

The REST API for JIRA is best thought of as a pull process.  You have a system which asks JIRA questions or gives it commands by firing REST requests at it.  This can never match the dictionary definition of "continuous" because your system is going to have to ask for information every X hours/minutes/seconds/whatever.

So, if you're happy to define your "continuous" as something like "every X minutes", you can use the REST API to do things like "list all issues updated since the time I last looked" and process them.

You will run into problems if X is too small though, as you'll be hammering the JIRA with requests

My instinct is to do it the other way around.  Get JIRA to poke your system whenever the things you want to "monitor" happen.

Jusline Zachariah June 14, 2017

Thanks for the reply. It is a kind of a listener,  listening to the specific project / issue in JIRA to check whether new issues/updates come up . Whenever a new issue comes up, we would read the same .

Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
Community Leader
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June 14, 2017

Ok, the best way to do that is from the other end - on the "create" transition in the workflow, have a post-function that sends information over to your application.

If you have to do it from the outside, then you'll need to write something that polls JIRA with "project = X and created > 'last time I looked'" over the REST API

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