How do Story points get close, and remaining time updated

Brent Hoover
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June 30, 2011

We are using Jira with Greenhopper. A problem we are having is that even though we will log hours on an issue, set the reamining hours to 0, and then close it, Remaining hours stay the same. Also, when an issue is Resolve/Closed it's story points remain open so our Burndown chart shows a flat line for Story points (which is our main metric).

What am I doing wrong so that these issues (both Stories and Tasks) show really closed, and their progress reflected correctly.

My speculation now is that is has to do with not Releasing our Sprints (which are the same), but that is just a guess and I don't want to just experiment with the real data.


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Colin Goudie
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July 2, 2011

Are the dates correct on your charts? Maybe your sprint start/end dates are not definied on the versions?

Also, take a backup and load the instance up on your own machine with an eval license. That way you can experiment as much as you want :)

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