How do I remove myself from a Jira Cloud Team? How does a manager add/remove people from Teams?

Janet Lunde January 8, 2024

The new Team functionality makes is easy for someone to find a team and add themself to it, but what about leaving?

I have access to Project Settings, but I'm not a higher level Admin than that.

I click Team in the top menu, and can search for teams, and I see the Teams that I'm on.

I want to

  • Remove myself from old teams
  • Add and remove people people from teams (generally, to move someone from one Team to another)

While poking around, looking at Teams, my tab go into a state where now of the menus at the top worked (Dashboard, Plan, Team) when you clicked on them. I closed the tab and opened a new one, and then it started working. I'm using the latest version of Firefox, on a Max.


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Kathy Hart
Community Leader
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January 8, 2024

Teams is a field that is added by Roadmap and Shared Teams are controlled in Roadmap, so that is where one must go to add or remove team members. Anyone with access to Roadmap (Plans) should be able to edit shared teams. But a Site Admin should certainly be able to edit Shared Teams.  Are you not able to edit the Team members other than yourself, or are you just encountering a navigation issue when you get there? 

Regarding the navigation issue, if you are having trouble with navigation, you may want to try Google Chrome, if you have that option. I understand some companies do not allow the use of Chrome.  Jira usually behaves better in Chrome than in any other platform. 

Janet Lunde March 11, 2024

I'm using Jira Cloud, and I'm talking about the Team functionality available from the top menu.

Screenshot 2024-03-11 at 1.41.25 PM.png

I did figure out that when I am a member of a team, and I can add and remove people -- including myself.

The problem that I still see is that I cannot remove myself from a team if I am the last (the only) member. In that case, the three dot menu does not appear next to my name.

I can understand the UX folks thinking that if there are no members, then you should just delete the Team. I'm reluctant to do that because we have integrations that serve up historical metrics based on teams.


Kathy Hart
Community Leader
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Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
March 14, 2024

I believe you are correct. It will require one member to keep the team open. Is there another owner you can put in place of yourself? 

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