How do I move Stories from the Backlog to the Board in the app (iOS)?

cgurney December 18, 2019

We have a NG Jira project that has a Backlog, and is not using the Sprints feature.

In the iOS app I just can't figure out how to move a Story from the Backlog to show on the Board (or vice-versa). If I create the issue from the Board view it doesn't appear on the Board.

 Is this feature just missing at the moment?

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May 5, 2020

Swipe the item and a menu appears on the rhs

cgurney May 11, 2020

Awesome, thanks. This gets the issue on to the board, but I'm not sure if it's possible to send it from the board to the backlog... unless I'm missing something?

cgurney May 11, 2020

I will accept this answer as it answers the original question. But if anybody figures out how to go the other way around, I'd appreciate knowing. 😀

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Bhala September 15, 2020

Same here, I wanted to move the issue from board to backlog. Appreciate if atlassian fix this & release this at the earliest possible. 
iOS: V13.7

Jira app: V113.0.0.484 

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April 26, 2020

I still have this issue - 26th April

cgurney May 11, 2020

You can move an issue from the backlog to the board now (by swiping the issue, as another user mentioned) but not go from the board to the backlog as far as I can tell.

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David Smock
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January 17, 2020

Latest iOS app update fixed this

cgurney May 11, 2020

Thanks, I can move from the backlog to the board now (through the swipe option, as another user mentioned) but not vice-versa.

Is there a way to send an issue from a board back to the backlog that I'm not seeing?

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January 13, 2020

Same on my side. I cannot move Tickets from backlog to the board on NG kanban boards. Should be fixed, then the app would be even of more value.

cgurney May 11, 2020

You can move an issue from the backlog to the board now (by swiping the issue, as another user mentioned) but not go from the board to the backlog as far as I can tell.

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David Smock
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January 1, 2020

I'm having the issue as well - I have Backlog on but Sprints turned off, but the backlog views still have an Add Sprint button, so perhaps something is broken with that logic?

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Nathan Harding December 30, 2019

Same issue here, would love to know how to resolve if you’ve figured it out. 


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