How do I get the "Time Spent" field to show up without editing an issue

Drew Robinson September 18, 2018

For the life of me I can not figure out how to show the TIme Spent" field on the main issue screen. 

Please help me!  I currently have:

  • All users have permissions setup to Work on issues
  • I have added "Log Work" to every screen
  • I can access the ability to log work when I click the "Edit" button

Im new to JIRA administration so any ideas would be greatly appreciated.




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Tyler Brown
Rising Star
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September 18, 2018

Hey Drew,

Have you tried adding "Time Tracking" field to your view screen?


Drew Robinson September 18, 2018

Tyler!  Youre brilliant!


I had to add that Field and then I went to the Fields configuration to make sure it was associated with the correct screens.


Thank you!

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