How do I create a template for the description field Info Panel In a specific project?

Murat Sahan June 25, 2024


I would like to create a template for the info panel in the description field for a specific project. How do I do that? It would need to look as the pic. Thanks for any help


Template info panel.jpg

2 answers

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Pavel Pavlovsky_AppLiger_ June 27, 2024

Hi @Murat Sahan ,

There are a few template apps available on the Atlassian Marketptlace. We recommend trying our Easy Issue Templates for Jira app for Free!

You can easily save your Jira ticket with all defined info panels formatting as a template and use it for the recurrent creation of new Jira tickets.

You may also utilize Variables functionality and multilevel hierarchy structure to boost your team's performance while Jira issues creation.

Feel free to get in touch!



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Kate Pawlak _Appsvio_
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June 25, 2024

Hi @Murat Sahan ,

By default, you can't create any templates for the description field. You have to use an app to achieve it. For example, the app developed by my team Issue Templates Agent for Jira. With this app you can create templates for issues which will be applied immediately on the Create issue screen. You can define info boxes, like in your example, but not only. Every formatting is available, also creating tables.


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