How do I create a formula to display level 1's assignedTeam var in the level 2 row in Structures

Barry Mazin June 19, 2024

Using Structures App: I have created two levels on my structure where Level 1 is the list of stories/bugs that are "Is Blocked On" or "Depent On Links" by the Level 2 stories/bugs. 

  1. On the view, I would like to create a new local formula variable that display Level 2's Assigned team next to Level 1s Assigned Team for a quick comparison. 

How would you write the formula for Bullet 1?



Lvl1 : SummaryText, TeamA, Blank, "Is Blocked By"

Lvl2 : Key, SummaryText, Team B, TeamA, "Blocks"


2 answers

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Stepan Kholodov _Tempo_
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June 24, 2024

Hello @Barry Mazin 

With a formula like this, you can show the team of issues on the 1st level next to the team of issues on the 2nd level:

if count#children{issuetype}>0: concat("Own team: ", team, " Level2 team: ", max#children{team})

As for showing the link type that connects issues from the 2nd level with issues on the 1st level - it depends on the details of your setup. For example, with this formula you can show the link type/link types that sub-issues are linked with the parent issue:

issuelinks.filter($.destination.key = key).type.inward.unique()

You can also include this formula in the first formula with a comma:

...max#children{team}, " Links: ", issuelinks.filter($.destination.key = key).type.inward.unique())

I hope this helps. If you need further assistance or if you have other questions about Structure, please reach out to us directly at our support portal.

Best regards,
Tempo (the Structure app vendor)
Barry Mazin July 11, 2024

The example works great unless you have a 1 to many lists of dependencies.


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Barry Mazin June 21, 2024

Is my question clear?    I am using the Structure App for Jira.  I have created a linked structure based on a "dependent on" and "dependent for" for the hierarchy.  This structure includes issues (story/bugs) from various teams (assignedteam) from several Jira Projects.  I would like to create a new column that shows what teams, the issue is linked with.  Here is an example of code that shows the issue keys for each issue in the hierarchy.  How do I do the same but I would like to display the assignedteams instead of the issuekey?


/* Displays all linked issues and the link types using markdown language.
WITH markdown(issue) = CONCAT(
  "[", IF issue.status.category == "Done": "~", issue.key,
  IF issue.status.category == "Done": "~", "](", issue.url, ")"
  .GROUP(IF $.source.key = key: $.type.outward ELSE : $.type.inward)
  .MAP(CONCAT($.group, " ", $.elements.MAP(IF $.source.key = key :markdown($.destination) ELSE :markdown($.source))))

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