How can i allow developers to specify the fix version in the main resolve screen?

Barry Kelman October 13, 2011

Is there a way to make the version selector for the fix version appear on the main resolve screen? I've been telling our developers to be sure to edit the issue and enter the fix version after they resolve it; it would be a lot easier if they could just enter the version when they resolve an issue.

I've noticed that testers can enter the affects version right on the create issue screen; it seems strange that developers can't do the corresponding action on resolve.

Barry Kelman

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Jon Cotter
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October 13, 2011

They probably use different screens. look at your workflows to see which screen is defined in the resolve workflow step.

If you havent modified Jira too much, its going to be the Resolve Issue Screen....


One last note... if, for some reason you add it to the screen but it doesnt appear, double check your Field Configuration settings.

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