How can a general user find out who are the project admins of a Jira project?

Jason Skidis June 9, 2016

I've been scouring the interwebs (and Atlassian Answers) trying to find an answer to this question and either I'm looking in the wrong place or such an answer doesn't exist. If you are are general user in a JIRA instance, is there a way through the UI, to determine who are the project admins of a project? 

We have a small group of "spare time" system admins trying to support over 1K+ users. We get a lot of requests for, "please grant me permissions to project X". We would prefer to have people go directly to the project admins of a project, both because we don't have the bandwidth to handle such requests and we don't know if these people should have such access on a given project in the first place. We would much prefer they go directly to the project admins for such request. However, unless they have a way to find out who they are, we end up having to look it up for them.

4 answers

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Boris Georgiev [Appfire]
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June 9, 2016

Hi Jason,

You can achieve this by using Script Runner Web Panel with a code similar to the one below. This will add a panel to every issue in the right section which will show a list of users which are in the project Administrators role.

This sample code is tested with web panel location atl.jira.view.issue.right.context.

import com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor
import com.atlassian.jira.issue.Issue
def issue = context.issue as Issue
def roleManager = ComponentAccessor.getComponent(ProjectRoleManager)
def adminsRole = roleManager.getProjectRole("Administrators")
def actors = roleManager.getProjectRoleActors(adminsRole, issue.projectObject)
def users =  actors.collect({
def baseUrl = ComponentAccessor.getApplicationProperties().getString(APKeys.JIRA_BASEURL)
def html = ""
users.each {
//	html+="<li>$it.displayName</li>"
	html+=$/<li><a class="user-hover" rel="$it.username" id="view_${issue.projectObject.key}_projects_$it.username"

here's a preview of the result:


Alex Fox September 22, 2020

Any chance of an updated version of this for the latest Jira? :)

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Chris Dunne
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June 10, 2016

Although this doesn't directly answer your immediate problem it may be a solution for your organization. If you find that your JIRA admins are being bombarded with these types of requests, is it an option to use JIRA itself to build a workflow to manage the request?

In other words, I want to be added to a project, so I create a JIRA issue e.g a Project Access Request. With the magic of custom fields and post-functions we can probably work out a mechanism to route the request to the appropriate project owner.

I've built this for others so let me know if you are interested and I can share the details. 


1 vote
Cory Dearing February 27, 2020

 I have used competing products that offer simple (and required) assignment of a project admin, and the admins are directly accessible from within the project (no updating a 3rd party wiki or other nonsense).  The project admin can add/delete/modify users, and also modify the issue flow (including create/modify states, create/modify roles and role assignments).  The fact that these features are not native and easily accessible make this tool a tough sell for enterprise use (more than 500+ users).  These should be included in the next major update of your tool.

Alex Fox September 22, 2020

Project Admins can do this in Jira, the only limitation is they cannon modify workflows that are shared between multiple projects.

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Jobin Kuruvilla [Adaptavist]
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June 9, 2016

There is no way to find it out from the UI. A simple add-on can expose the details but it is not there by default.

It might make sense to list out the project owners in your company intranet (or confluence if you have it), although it comes with the extra burden of keeping the list updated.

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