How can I restart a stuck "Back up for cloud"?

Larry Daniele May 22, 2019

In Jira Cloud, System > Backup Manager, I've pressed "Create Backup for Cloud". At about 50% done, there was a message saying the progress bar couldn't be refreshed. Now after at least an hour waiting for an export that usually takes minutes, the export is still stuck around 50%. Refreshing the page doesn't help.

How can I cancel this backup and restart a fresh one?

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Jack Brickey
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May 22, 2019

good question I have never observed this. Regardless there is nothing you can do as a Jira admin. you need to be a system admin i suspect so reach out to Atlassian Support.

Kian Stack Mumo Systems
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May 22, 2019

Beat me to it, Jack, but I totally agree!

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