How can I move all issues from one project to another, ensuring an identifying component is set?

Morgan Fletcher May 9, 2024

I searched, didn't find a modern answer that was relevant.

I want to move all issues from project A to project B, in jira cloud, setting a Component value A to identify those issues in project B. Project B is not currently using any Components. I created an identical Component A in both projects, but if I try to bulk edit all tickets in project A, and edit, there is now way to bulk assign them to the Component A. If I bulk move them to project B, there is no way to ensure they are identified as Component A.

How can I move these tickets from project A to project B, and have them identified by a unique Component? Should I use labels instead?


2 answers

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ArulAnthonySebastian Nadar May 9, 2024

Create the component at project B.

So that you will get clear picture after bulk move from A to B.

If this not answered your query, please revert I can explain better.

Morgan Fletcher May 10, 2024

I've created the Component A in both project A and B. I can't see the Component field in Bulk Change > Edit, in order to set it. I do not want to click through hundreds of issues to set it individually.

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Laurie Sciutti
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May 9, 2024

Hi @Morgan Fletcher and welcome to the Community!  Unless I'm misunderstanding, why not run 2 bulk change updates:  the first to set the Component that you want and the second to move those same issues to the other project?  All you would need to do is add that Component to both projects beforehand.  If I'm misunderstanding, can you elaborate a bit more?

Morgan Fletcher May 10, 2024

I don't see the Component field in the UX of Bulk Change > Edit. This was my first thought, too. How do I do this bulk change to Components?

Morgan Fletcher May 13, 2024

How can I update these tickets in bulk edit, either before move to project B, or after? The field is not in the UX of the Bulk Change > Edit screen.


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